Tag Archives: Trade-in

The Trade In

Some time ago my husband purchased a top of the line notebook with all the bells and whistles. We were both excited to try it out. We quickly realized that what seemed like a great product was not all it was cut out to be. On four different occasions we had to send it out for repairs. For the year that it was under warranty it was out of our possession more than in our possession as it underwent all its tests and repairs. Once the warranty ran out, it failed to function for a fifth time and we were left with a beautiful looking laptop that was absolutely useless. Not even the company who made it could fix it.

Almost a year later we were notified of a class action lawsuit regarding the model. We followed directions to mail it in for a replacement that we were told would not be the same product. Months later, the replacement finally arrived and when it did I was quite disappointed. The new model was no where near the model we had purchased. It was the company’s basic notebook model with basic features. The only improvement was that it actually turned on. I could not help but feel cheated. I knew we would soon be computer shopping again.

In general, when you trade something in you usually do it believing that you are going to get something better. If there is any doubt you will most likely hold on to what you got. It is true for our material possessions but it is also true for many other areas of our life. People trade-in their careers, friends, spouses, location and even their faith believing they are going to get something better in return. It is a risky transaction to say the least and one that leaves many feeling cheated and out “shopping” for something better.

There is one trade-in that continues to prove trustworthy in my life. It is my trade-in with God. I hand him my brokenness, all the things that just aren’t working right, my goals and dreams, and he in return gives to me his hope, his plans and his success. Grant it, this is not always the “quick fix.” I may have to wait awhile as he works on the big problems in my life (which almost always fall in three categories: my attitude, my pride, and my lack of faith). While I wait I have his word as my warranty. I know that he is fully capable of repairing my brokenness. I also know he is a good God. He is not only interested in repairing my life, he wants to bless me with an even better life right where I am at, and that is what matters most.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:The old has gone, the new is here! – 2 Corinthians 5:17


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