Children of God or a Bunch of Cowards?

07 Aug

I was up early this morning, cleaning up the garage. I came across a nasty looking spider web which at first made me a bit concerned. Took a broom, swept it out, squashed the tiny spider, which may have been poisonous, but really, I am how much bigger than this thing?

Which got me thinking about how I tend to cower at the small stuff, especially roaches… But you know, to God, every “big” fear we have is tiny. It is but a roach needing to be squashed.

And so now I am thinking, I am tired of cowering at the small stuff. I am tired of watching my children cower at the small stuff. In fact, I want to get to the place where I squash a roach with my bare hands. I have yet to muster up the intestinal fortitude to grab a running roach… And how sad is that?! That something so tiny causes me to act completely irrational! It’s ridiculous really.

But that is what all fears do.

Something is stirring in me, a boldness, a disgust for allowing the tiny things to shake me and make me cower. How ridiculous that anything, cause a child of God to cower…

“They told me you are the children of God. You are a bunch of cowards.”
– Goliath, Veggie Tales’ Dave and the Giant Pickle

(Yes, I just quoted Veggie Tales…)


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2 responses to “Children of God or a Bunch of Cowards?

  1. rachelrpetty

    August 7, 2013 at 7:58 am

    I love how God uses “everyday” situations like these to stir up our hearts and ignite a desire to change.


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